
Special features of the institutes under the management of Bhavnagar Stree Kelavani Mandal

  • From KG to PG courses under the same managment making Girls more comfortable in familiar culture and academic environment
  • Most girls hail from lower income and even Economically challenged families and some parents have been sending girls first time for education
  • Intensive health checks and counseling to students and parents The Trust helps for critical cases
  • Prizes and scholarships for academic and co academic achievments
  • From small primary to University students many get commendable
  • achievents and sports and cultural events at State and University Level
  • Thrust on non formal education all institutes prepare annual and non formal
  • education programmes calendar with budget and effectiveness is assessed periodically
  • Teachers and staff development programmes being arranged on regular base
  • Trustees and office beares facilitate and participate in various Programmes of all institites
  • Managing Committee of the Trust consists of leading industrialists,Educationists,professionals like advocates,doctors,business executives,Education managers