

Appeal for Financial Aid


Dear All Well Wishers,


Sub : Appeal for Financial aid to students of our Institutes


Now in existence for over 92 years, Smt. R.D.Gardi Bhavnagar Stree Kelavani Mandal Trust is a non – profit organization working in the field of women education from Kindergarten to Post Graduation. We have 4000+ students in our institutes, and the trust caters to their education, along with computer skills, non-formal education and health care.


In order to meet our mission of educating and empowering a female student, we rely on generosity of individuals and business houses for support. We request you to make a commitment to support our appeal by marking a donation, your graciousness will facilitate our endeavor to empower the girls of our country.


You can give response through our website also. In anticipation of your co-operatiopn,


Thanking you,


Rajendra V. Gandhi


Chetanbhai M. Tamboli

Vice President


Aarushee M. Ganatra

Hon. Secretary

Sunil G. Vadodaria

Hon. Secretary

Uma R. Trivedi

Hon. Secretary